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Home and Away’s Mackenzie Booth left extremely heartbroken as Ari Parata makes his final call

Their partnership has reached its conclusion.

For UK viewers, there are spoilers for Home and Away.

Next week, Mackenzie Booth of Home and Away breaks down on UK screens as Ari Parata agrees to end their relationship.

Ari thinks it’s best to end things now that his ex-girlfriend Mia Anderson is back in his life, leaving Mac (Emily Weir) devastated.

When Mia (Rob Kipa-Williams) arrived in the Bay a few weeks ago, Ari’s world was turned upside down. Years earlier, the two had a serious relationship that ended when Ari was sentenced to jail.

Ari pays a visit to Mac and reveals his tough decision after initially telling her that he needs space to find out what he wants.

Ziggy Astoni (Sophie Dillman) and her boyfriend Tane Parata (Ethan Browne) arrive home shortly after, and they both find Mac in tears.

Tane plans to leave to check on his brother after Mac reveals that Ari has broken up with her. Ziggy concentrates her efforts on calming Mackenzie.

Mac opens up about how she’s feeling and explains that the timing couldn’t be more inconvenient, as she’s just found out she’s expecting a child.

Mac isn’t far along in her pregnancy, so she’s undecided about having the baby.

Ziggy suggests that Mac tell Ari the truth, but Mac isn’t ready and swears her friend’s confidentiality.

Out of respect for Mac’s privacy, Ziggy doesn’t tell Tane about Mac’s bombshell when he returns. They all agree that they should stay out of Ari and Mac’s problems in the future.

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