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Home and Away Spoilers – Ari and Tane step up to the Task to save the kidnapped teens



Ari and Tane must struggle to save their families from Paul and Leon’s grip before it’s too late next week on Home and Away in the UK.

Bella, Nikau, Chloe, and Ryder are planning a big night out in Yabbie Creek at the end of tomorrow’s episode (Friday 2nd April), in an effort to heal the growing rift between Chloe and Ryder.


Since Chloe arrived in the Bay a few weeks ago, the two have been rubbing each other the wrong way, and their constant bickering is making Bella and Nikau nuts. It’s not just exhausting for them to have to listen to the couple battle all the time, but it’s also getting in the way of their own alone time!

In the episode of Friday the foursome wave farewell to the family, with Nik telling Ari, “It’ll be a big one, don’t hesitate.”

Nik and Bella wait for the bus at the bus stop shortly after, while Chloe and Ryder approach them, bickering as usual. A black van drives up in front of the bus stop, screeching around the corner. Bella and Nikau find themselves packed into the back of the van before they even realise what’s going on.



Although Ryder’s first reaction is to call the police, Chloe makes a beeline for them. However, when the kidnappers abduct Chloe and throw her into the back of the truck, he has no choice but to comply, and his efforts to stop the kidnappers end up with him joining his friends in the back.

The young teens are pushed to an unknown location and forcefully shoved into a shipping container when we return to the action next Monday. Chloe tries to flee, but she is easily apprehended by one of the masked men.

They’re trapped inside with cable ties around their ankles, and they soon realise that no one will come looking for them because they told their families not to expect them home that night!


Chloe is scared and terrified for her survival, and she has a sprained ankle from her attempted escape. Ryder realises there will be no need for them to be kidnapped and left for dead if he thinks about it. Leaving them in there to die accomplishes nothing; whoever is holding them hostage will return in the morning.

He helps to relax Chloe’s nerves by putting a jacket under her sprained ankle. She cuddles up to him, and it’s the first time the two teenagers have seen anything other than contempt.


Meanwhile, Ari and Mia are totally unaware of the trouble their daughter and nephew are in back in Summer Bay. The ex-lovers, on the other hand, are busy reminiscing about the past. Mia still harbours anger about Ari’s past behaviour, but he eventually persuades her that he’s a changed man who has put his criminal past behind him.

The two share a passionate embrace as their night progresses. They retire to their bedroom, and it seems that their problems, as well as Ari’s memories of Mackenzie, have passed them by.


The container’s doors are pulled open the next morning, and Paul and Leon enter. Given the gang members’ past with the Paratas, Nik had not considered that they might be the kidnappers – after Heath Braxton’s return, the entire family felt the drama was over.


They’re still there, though. Nikau is beckoned out by Paul, and he realises he has no choice but to do as they suggest. Paul and Leon drag him away with the aid of the masked heavies and issue their ultimatum: they want vengeance, and his and his friend’s freedom can only come at the cost of his uncles.

As Paul dials Tane’s number, the two Parata brothers come to a halt as they recognise the voice of the man who has been stalking them for months. Paul states that their nephew and his friends are safe and sound, but they will only be returned in exchange for “your good self and your strapping younger brother.”

The terms are plain – even one officer, one River Boy, and the kids will be kept accountable!


Ari and Tane are sitting at home, waiting for Paul to text them the venue. It’s an agonising hour for them. They knew being involved with the drug gang’s actions put their own lives in jeopardy, but they’d done all they could to keep the rest of their family safe; this was the last thing they expected.

While they wait, they must contend with Ziggy and Mia’s wrath. After realising that the teens have not returned home, the two have been out looking for them, and while Ziggy is persuaded that they are just teenagers out on a big night out, Mia isn’t so sure.


The voice of Ari says something, and he’s forced to understand it. Just hours after winning it he takes Mia’s world down to crash. “There is no concern… the children were abducted!”

Finally, the text is sent. The Paratas drive to the remote area, ready to exchange their lives for their nephew’s and his friends’.

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