Xander (Luke Van Os) and Jasmine (Sam Frost) had just come across a car collision involving Logan (Harley Bonner), Millie (Zara Zoe), and her friend. The siblings hurry in to assist, drawing on their collective medical knowledge.
Logan is awake, but when Xander searches for Millie’s friend Jo, who had gone to seek assistance, he discovers a woman dead farther down the road, in a shocking turn of events.
Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) and Rose (Kirsty Marillier) arrive quickly, but Jasmine is more anxious about the arrival of the ambulance. Fortunately, Logan has his medical bag in his van, but Millie begins to struggle to breathe as Xander listens to her.
Xander is compelled to undertake an emergency decompression technique to open Millie’s airways — he’s never done it before, but Millie could die if he doesn’t attempt. Millie inquires about her friend as he works, and Xander assures her that she is safe.
Xander discovers Millie hasn’t been informed about her pal at the hospital afterwards. Logan is concerned about Xander’s increasing relationship to the stranger, but he has more pressing issues to deal with.
As Cash and Rose analyse the collision, they come to the conclusion that driver error was to blame. Their biggest concern now is determining who was at fault. Could Logan be to blame for Millie’s friend Jo’s murder?