Taylor makes an appearance (the first in quite a while) and as she strolls along the beach, it is so artistically juxtaposed with Colby in the jail yard being eyed off by his fellow crims.
Colby’s hands began trembling. I do not know whether this is a pre-existing disorder that has been caused by prison stress or not.
Suddenly, though the sun is shining. In what looks like a tourist vendor, Angelo takes Taylor to the beach.
Jasmine and Taylor go for a run together for “clarity.” This is something I can not relate to because running would make me want to die.
But it seems to have the desired effect in this particular case, and Taylor opens up to Jas about her relationship with Angelo and what brought her to Colby.
“Just because Colby’s in jail doesn’t mean my feelings have been switched off,” Taylor says to Jasmine.
Jas said You might be able to find a way back from Angelo and Angelo.”
Taylor said to Jasmine, “That doesn’t mean that my feelings are turning down only because Colby’s in prison.”
‘I know I hurt you, Angelo, but you checked our marriage out long before I did,’ Taylor says.
“Is there any hope for us whatsoever? ”
Make your mind up, Taylor. Do you want your husband, or the inmate of Colby, or neither of them? With Angelo, I’m on the same page, and he tells her to work it out.
Soon we’ll be back in prison, and Colby’s got a visitor.
Colby’s smug face turns seamlessly to a frown. It’s Taylor.
“What are you doing here,” he says.
She looks teary. From Jasmine’s sudden pregnancy to her declaring her love for him, there may be a variety of things, but we’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
Onto Tori, who goes on a long rant about “navigating” her relationships.
Over contrasting views on Jasmine-related subjects, Tori threw Budget McDreamy out of the house last night, and he appears at the gym to “hash it out with Jasmine.”
Tori is outraged that Budget McDreamy “walked behind her back.”
“She will lose him,” Justin whispers.
All of a sudden, Justin has an interest in his sister’s love life and makes up some phoney excuse to return McDreamy’s budget to his home.
It functions.
“I want to have a future with Tori, but I can’t do it if she lives in the past,” Budget McDreamy says to Justin.
They’re almost poetry. Seriously, who writes this stuff?
Tori comes home from the hospital to see Budget McDreamy, ready to talk.
They state they both made mistakes and are going to try again. They’re all really friendly.”In this relationship right now there are three people and that’s one too many,”
says Budget McDreamy, referring to Jasmine.But he was always going to say that there were four people because the little baby Gracie had missed him.
Jasmine is also “happy” that Grace has the bracelet and forgives Irene after shouting at her last night.
The age of Alf is approaching, but I hope it’s just a distraction, because there’s something Irene knows.
She’s stationed in the diner, of course, and stands very close by while Alf is in Martha’s jail, making the weirdest facial expression I’ve ever seen.
Roo tells Irene, “You remember something, don’t you.”
In this film, however, Irene is an impenetrable vault of secrecy, a completely bizarre phenomenon.
‘I told Martha that I was not going to risk her trust under any circumstances,’ Irene tells Roo.
Alf has his beloved wife on the phone and threatens her casually to tell him what’s going on in a voice message.
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