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HomeSpoilersHome And AwayHome and Away reveals Mackenzie's court outcome in 23 spoiler pictures

Home and Away reveals Mackenzie’s court outcome in 23 spoiler pictures



Your complete set of images showcasing what will air on UK televisions starting on August 1st until the following Monday.

Monday, August 1:

Following her sentencing for the poker nights, Mac returns from court. She was released on a good behaviour bond after escaping from prison.


Mac is challenged by Felicity. Felicity discovered an unsettling letter from Mac when Mac’s future was up in the air before. If Mac went to jail, it told Felicity to run Salt.

Mac is accused by Felicity of attempting to dump Salt on her without her consent. She chose Felicity to oversee Salt in her absence because she trusts her, Mac corrects her.

Tuesday, August 2:

Chloe receives some encouraging news from Theo. In his most recent TAFE assignment, he was given a distinction.

Theo has Chloe’s admiration. Theo seems to be doing well in his studies now after some early difficulties.


Things are about to get worse for Theo today. When Justin informs TAFE that he, not Theo, did the work, Theo is quickly accused of cheating. Theo submitted his own version, which Justin is unaware of, proving that it was truly his own work.


Tane and Chloe go for a stroll. Tane is being assisted by Chloe in the gym right now.

Chloe is happy to be getting back into business-related activities. Everyone is happy to see Chloe resembling her former self.

Tane is shown a brand-new gym reservation app by Chloe. She wants to grow the company to new heights.


Wednesday, August 3: 

Chloe feels anxious. She has begun to question how Ari and Mia were able to pay for the gym without taking out a loan or using any of their known savings after becoming active with the gym.

Chloe opens up to Theo. She concerns that the family might be unaware of some debt.


Theo is battling personal pressures. He continues to be unjustly suspected of turning in a piece of work that wasn’t his.

Theo discovers something. On his computer, he discovers a copy of Justin’s lost assignment.

Theo concurs with him. He thinks this could demonstrate that he was the author of the assignment.


Justin is content. Theo’s TAFE tutor eventually breaks some bittersweet news: although the two assignment versions are obviously different, it doesn’t establish that Theo wrote one of them. Things finally appear to be going Theo’s way.

The most recent news is given to Theo. He is being given a chance to show himself by TAFE.

Theo clarifies the circumstance. He has been given the opportunity to take a real exam by his tutor.


Justin pays attention to Theo’s worries. Theo is sceptical that he can handle the pressure.

Theo is being reassured by Justin. He tries to give Theo more self-assurance.

It’s challenging to influence Theo. In terms of his academic performance, he has low self-esteem.

Thursday, August 4:

Tex has a scheduled date. He informs Marilyn.


It doesn’t impress Marilyn. She believes that Tex ought to be focusing on his new position.

Marilyn opens up to Irene. She describes her problems with Tex.

In an effort to encourage Marilyn to back off, Irene

She believes Marilyn is treating Tex far too harshly.


Marilyn must make a choice. Will she give in?

Friday, August 5:

Irene yells at Tex. She reveals that despite his strong work ethic, Marilyn is not impressed.

Marilyn feels she has a good reason to be irritated. Tex arrived late for his shift.

John hears it. The discussion has his interest.


John stands up for Tex He affirms that Tex was delayed as a result of helping with a beach rescue.

People laud Tex as a hero. Marilyn and Irene are in disbelief.

Tex values the assistance. It arrived at the ideal time.

Tex may now be regarded favourably. Will Marilyn give him a chance at last?


Taking a call is Mac. With Salt, she has come to a decision point.

Mac converses with a potential investor. She’s not certain, though, that she wants this for the company.

Mac takes a bold action. Sale of salt is advertised.

For Mac, it might signal the end of an era. Will Salt truly be shut off from her life?


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