Sunday, September 8, 2024

Home and Away Spoilers – Ziggy’s baby at risk after shock collapse

This week on Australian television’s Home and Away, Ziggy pushes herself too far while juggling her pregnancy and her work, endangering the life of her unborn child.

Theo’s (Matt Evans) life has changed a little bit during the previous few months.


At Summer Bay Auto, he began an apprenticeship, first learning from Justin (James Stewart), then from Ziggy (Sophie Dillman). He later rose to the position of main singer with Lyrik, and he is now enjoying his new career playing shows all along the coast.

Justin was silenced by Ziggy when he started gushing about Leah’s nephew everywhere he went since Ziggy appeared a little offended by Theo’s new life.

She finally came clean with her lover Dean (Patrick O’Connor) and said that while she was delighted that Theo was pursuing his ambitions, she was disappointed that she hadn’t been able to pursue her own desire of turning pro.


She eventually understood that she could balance competing in surf contests with her relationship with Dean and her life in Summer Bay with a little encouragement from Dean.

Dean reassured her, “You can go up and down the coastline competing, and you can come home, to me.” Jai and I are going to be waiting for you.


She took the day off from work and went to her first event at Avoca Beach, finally pursuing her aspirations.

She was already receiving the benefits after just one event.

She excitedly revealed to Dean that she had obtained sponsorship from a surf shop in the city as well as bringing a trophy back to Summer Bay! Her aspirations were soon coming true.


However, things abruptly came to an end a short while later when she made an unexpected discovery…

She experienced a dizzy episode at the beach, which led her new doctor and fellow surfer Bree (Juliet Godwin) to inquire about the possibility of her being pregnant.

Back at the farm, she took a test and learned that Bree was accurate — she was pregnant!


Even though she and Dean are doing fine, having children hasn’t been in the cards. Ziggy and Dean avoided the topic for days after learning the news since neither of them wanted to discuss whether they would keep the child.

Eventually, Dean told Ziggy that having a kid with her was the only thing he would rather do, with a little push from his sister Mackenzie (Emily Weir). She initially panicked because she felt suddenly pressured to keep the child, but after they finally sat down and talked, they realised they were both on the same page and eager to have a child together.

They had a hard time keeping the news quiet last week since both Dean and Mackenzie wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Even when Dean tried to tell Jai, Ziggy politely encouraged the duo to wait until their 12-week scan (River Jarvis).

Dean and Ziggy visit the hospital this week for their initial scan.


While the doctor briefly pauses during the scan, there is no apparent cause for concern. Ziggy is comforted by Dean’s fatherly devotion to both her and the unborn child.



Business as normal for Ziggy, who is keeping her pregnancy a secret from everyone. She plans to surf as much as she can while she still has the ability to do so, including hiding the information from her boss Justin.


This week, Justin gives Ziggy a promotion because he has less time to spend at the garage because he is so busy in his new position as manager of Lyrik!

Even simple things are tough for her due to her morning sickness, so she knows she shouldn’t take it, but she can’t help herself. She previously gave up a promising surfing career for the baby, so it would appear that she is not prepared to give up her position at the garage either.


As the week progresses, Ziggy is driven to show her boyfriend and boss that she is the ideal candidate for the position.

Because there is so much going on, she loses focus when she is alone at the garage.


Unaware that she left a bottle of chemical solvent open, she collapses while working on a car, dragging a tray of equipment down with her as she inhales the fumes.

When discussing the most recent events with TV Week, Sophie stated: “She feels dizzy from smelling fumes, but it also arises from tiredness.

Unaware that she left a bottle of chemical solvent open, she collapses while working on a car, dragging a tray of equipment down with her as she inhales the fumes.

When discussing the most recent events with TV Week, Sophie stated: “She feels dizzy from smelling fumes, but it also arises from tiredness.

Will the infant be alright?

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