This week on Australia’s Home and Away, Levi admits to having an affair and calls it quits on his marriage, while Xander and Dana are finally getting romantic.
Since beginning an affair earlier this year, Levi (Tristan Gorey) and Mackenzie (Emily Weir) have been skating on thin ice. Originally, Levi and Mac were a doctor and patient, but Mac couldn’t help but fall in love with Levi’s bedside manners, so when she placed a kiss on the cardiothoracic surgeon, he returned the favour.

She decided it was too much to handle and ended their affair abruptly after Levi confessed that he was actually married to Imogen (Georgia Blizzard) and that he would leave his wife to be with Mac.

But Mac gave in to the doctor’s charms, and they were soon back together. They had their affair in the neighbourhood motel at first, with Levi claiming to be a doctor there, but eventually they bit the bullet and met at Mac’s farmhouse, much to the chagrin of housemates Mali (Kyle Shilling) and Tane (Ethan Browne), who had to keep their relationship a secret.

Mac and Levi have not been particularly discreet, sharing public kisses on multiple occasions, despite their desperate attempts to hide their relationship.
It was one of those occasions when, after walking up to them kissing in the Summer Bay parkland, Levi’s sister Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) eventually found out about the romance.

Eden was distraught since, in addition to growing close to her sister-in-law Imogen, Levi had shown himself to be no better than their adulterous father, whose extramarital affair had led the family to fall apart and prevent Eden from speaking to him for more than ten years.

Mac and Levi didn’t anticipate their secret being discovered so quickly, but Levi realised he couldn’t live a lie forever.
Following a heated argument with Eden, he knew he had to tell Imogen the truth before she found out via another source and returned to the city.
He keeps his word, as TV Week now reports, when he crushes Imogen’s heart by confessing to his affair.

Tristan Gorey told the magazine, “Levi is well aware he has been living in a fantasy land with Mac in Summer Bay.” However, Levi is aware that all wonderful things must come to an end and that he must cope with the fallout from his choices. Eventually, the truth always surfaces.
Imogen senses right away that something is awry when they get back together, but at first she believes it to be their argument about having kids.
The two have never agreed on having children, and Imogen found out recently from Eden that Levi is keeping his distance because of this.

However, Levi admits that their marriage is broken and that his affair is the true cause. They are devastated by each other’s heartbreaking confession.
Tristan continues, “Even though Levi has broken her heart, he has broken his own too, given that this is precisely how his own father destroyed the family unit.”
Now that the truth is known, Levi can go back to Summer Bay and begin a new life with Mackenzie. But can they withstand the continuous criticism from their closest friends?

Tristan remarks, “Now that the truth is out, Levi holds Mac close.” “However, time will tell how genuine their love is.”

This week, in another story, Dana (Ally Harris) and Xander (Luke Van Os) are finally getting romantically involved, just months after Xander turned down Dana’s invitation to a date.
Dana first realised she had a crush on the Salt barman herself after putting her sister Harper (Jessica Redmayne) on a blind date with Xander, where the two decided they’d rather be friends.

When Rose (Kirsty Marillier), Xander’s sister, saw that Dana was staring at him, she quickly offered to investigate him. However, Dana stated at the time that she wasn’t searching for a relationship, so Rose remained silent.
After Dana confided in her that she had a crush on someone, Irene (Lynne McGranger) gleefully informed Harper that she had discovered the person to be Xander, unintentionally setting the whole thing off.
Harper was shocked to learn that Dana had ever had a crush on someone, and Irene saw she had stepped in too.

Harper approached Xander and gently broached the subject of Dana, and his answers made her believe that Dana had a chance.

Harper encouraged Dana to ask Xander out, and when he friend-zoned her afterwards, she was horrified.

For a while, things were awkward between the two as Dana tried to convince Xander that she was over him. However, a preview for this week’s episode suggests that Xander may be having second thoughts.
Xander revealed that Rose’s boss had given her the authority to decide whether Harper and her boyfriend Mali (Kyle Shilling) should face consequences after Dana confided in him about her concern that Harper would be charged for delaying telling the police where Tane (Ethan Browne) was.

Rose was not happy with her brother for leaving her in Harper’s situation when she saw Dana at her doorway right away, pleading Harper’s cause.
Returning to Dana, Xander chastises her for putting undue pressure on Rose.

As they argue in Salt, he tells her, “You’re unbelievable.”
“Why? because my sister is important to me. Dana responds.

“No, because you’re poking your nose into inappropriate places.”
After Xander storms out, Dana is later seen going to the Pier apartment to give Xander an apology.

“Yes, I made a mistake,” Dana acknowledges. “I shouldn’t have bothered Mali and Rose, and I shouldn’t have gone after you.”

Xander approaches Dana and gives her a kiss while grinning and accusing her of not being serious.