Your complete set of images revealing what’s coming to UK screens in the week beginning Monday, May 10.

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Tane and Ziggy go for a walk along the beach on Monday, May 10.
The couple goes for a romantic walk.

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Tane is looking forwards on Monday, May 10th.
Now that he’s agreed to abandon the criminal lifestyle, he must make some choices on what comes next.

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Tane and Ziggy discuss his options on Monday, May 10th.
Ziggy initially hopes Tane will cover any changes at Salt, but Mac dismisses the notion.

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Monday, May 10: Ziggy is pleased with Tane.
Will he succeed in creating a new beginning?

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Tuesday, May 12: Willow has made a significant announcement.
She’s leaving Summer Bay for a new beginning with Alex.

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Wednesday, May 12: After breaking the news to Bella, Willow checks on her.
Bella is upset because another River family member is leaving.

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Willow is overjoyed as she receives Bella’s blessing on Wednesday, May 12th.
Willow wants to move on, and Bella knows why.

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Willow starts to say her goodbyes on Wednesday, May 12th.
An age has come to an end.

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Willow gives Amber and Dean a hug on Wednesday, May 12th.
Amber was the one who pushed Willow to consider leaving.

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Amber is delighted with how things have turned out on Wednesday, May 12th.
She advised Willow to concentrate on her own future after resolving everyone else’s issues.

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Irene is also present for Willow’s farewell on Wednesday, May 12th.
For years, the two have been close friends.

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Irene and Willow embrace on Wednesday, May 12th.
Willow is almost ready to go.

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Willow gets into the car on Wednesday, May 12th.
She is excited to see Alex once more.

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Wednesday, May 12: Bella, Amber, Dean, and Irene all keep an eye on Willow as she walks away.
After more than three years in the post, Sarah Roberts is stepping down.

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Mac returns to work on Friday, May 14th.
Ziggy is concerned about her decision because she is supposed to be sleeping.

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Friday, May 14: Ari attempts to communicate with Mac.
He has no idea that Mac was pregnant and gave birth to a child.

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Friday, May 14: Mac is uncomfortable with the discussion.
She comes up with a reason to cut it short.

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Friday, May 14: Ari is disappointed with the outcome.
He wishes he and Mac were on better terms.

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Friday, May 14: Ari claims Mac can’t bear being around him.
Mia is attentive to his worries.

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Thursday, May 14th: Mia attempts to assuage Ari’s fears.
She hasn’t said anything about Mac’s recent disappearance.