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HomeSpoilersHome And AwayHome and Away fans turn on character with the same complaint

Home and Away fans turn on character with the same complaint



Fans of Home and Away have once again made fun of a plot hole in the show, asking how some of the Summer Bay people manage to make ends meet, pay their rent, and purchase takeout meals, coffees, and drinks without having a clear source of income.

Fans of the show expressed their outrage on a dedicated Facebook page against Eden Fowler (Stephanie Panozzo), whose recent plotline has centered largely around her wrath towards her brother Levi (Tristan Gorey) following the revelation of his affair with Mackenzie Booth (Emily Weir).


“Isn’t it about time the writers found a job for Eden to do, instead of her interfering in other people’s affairs especially in Levi’s!” Many others agreed with a disappointed fan’s statement made in the Home and Away fan group.

Someone responded with a joke, “Eden has a job…it’s miss polly poke nose she’s in everybody’s business.” Someone asked, “How does she pay her rent?”

Another person said, “Not just Eden, but Remi too; they are the only two who don’t work.” “I want to live in Summer Bay where you don’t need to pay bills!”

Regarding living in the beach resort, another person remarked, “[And] never cook meals, eat at the diner or live on pizza and wine lol.”


“How do they settle their debts?”
The lives of people who reside in the Bay have previously been made fun of by Home and Away fans. Fans have been wondering how the characters—musician Eden and her boyfriend Cash, in particular—maintained their means of subsistence earlier this year, following Cash’s resignation from the police force due to a controversy.


“I was unpaid for three months. Eden also hardly takes on enough gigs. They said, “How do they pay their bills?”

As one person noted, “Cash had a lot of savings,” fans were reminded of Cash’s inheritance.Someone else made the remark, “Who needs money in Summer Bay?” Someone said, “I need to go and live there!” in reply.

“Roo, who enjoys organizing things, will have to plan a fundraising. It will also provide something to do,” jokingly said another enthusiast.


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