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Home and Away: Budget McDreamy at the top of the highly contested leader board for worst guy in Summer Bay

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Alf, you and I both.

I’ve been cheated out of my first Home and Away wedding, and I’m not going down without a fight.

I know we’re getting closer to cancelling the wedding every time Christian, aka Budget McDreamy, dismisses it – failing to pick up his suit or saving new arrival Rachel who fell from the sky.

I’ve been watching for nearly a year and have yet to witness a natural disaster or a bomb obliterate the place, but I was looking forwards to crossing another item off my bucket list: attending a wedding. And this year’s wedding has been promised by the makers.

It hasn’t been called off yet, but BM, who stands over his patient’s body like Frankenstein making his masterpiece, is eager to see Rachel heal in order to satisfy his ego.

Not at all creepy.

I’m not a doctor, but Rachel’s skull isn’t attached to her spine, so she’ll be healing for a long time. I’ve seen a lot of Grey’s Anatomy and now New Amsterdam, which I don’t like as much because Max has a hero complex, but Rachel’s skull isn’t attached to her spine, so she’ll be recovering for a long time.

Christian says to his bride as they prepare to leave for their wedding, It will be difficult for me to make any promises.


Tori isn’t overly impressed, but she’s a single mother, and the dating pool in Summer Bay is practically non-existent, so she’ll hold on to him for a little longer.

Tori is perplexed as to why she has so many flops in her life.

Meanwhile, Justin is another male character who isn’t making a strong case for himself.

He’s having second thoughts (or so he claims) about flying to the wedding – which I’ve been cheated out of – because it’s only dawned on him that he can’t carry kilos of prescription medications on the plane without a doctor’s note.

As Budget McDreamy returns home after pulling an all-nighter at the hospital and prefers his patient over his bride, Justin has just made up something about feeling very great again and wants to drive the several hours to Victoria for the wedding.

Back in the kennel.

It’s a bad decision, and it places BM at the top of the extremely competitive leader board for Summer Bay’s worst bloke.

Tori sobs, but Justin, who has been literally jilted at the altar, seems to be more upset than his sister, and he continues to smash plates and steal the show.

I’ve been jilted.

Leah pretends her deadbeat boyfriend doesn’t exist for the remainder of the day, before she discovers his massive drug stash and demands answers.

Tori goes to the jetty to reflect.

I understand that none of this has been easy for you, and I apologise profusely, BM says.


But apologies aren’t going to cut it this time.

He believes he was sent to earth to assist Rachel, which is why I need to see this through.

He takes Tori’s arms and begs for “more time” before rushing back to the hospital to see how Rachel is doing.


I’m probably reading too much into it, but I get the impression that they know each other. Or it may just be my misunderstanding of what flirting entails.

Although he seems to be a little too old for her, maybe a daughter? He did once mention having two grown children.

Finally, there’s Ryder and Chloe v Mac, but it’s so juvenile that I’m not going to pay attention to it.

Chloe is also causing problems.

Ryder basically learns how to be a decent human from Grumps and blurts out “there was no rat” and promises to pay for the damage Chloe’s big mouth caused.


However, this, combined with the various pressures of life, is wreaking havoc on Alf, who may be on the verge of a heart attack.


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