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HomeSpoilersHome And AwayHome and Away spoiler: Mac says goodbye to Levi

Home and Away spoiler: Mac says goodbye to Levi



Mackenzie can’t handle being the “other woman,” so she quickly leaves the hotel as Levi sneaks into the bathroom to answer a call from his wife. When she gets home, she tells Mali that Levi is obviously devoted to his marriage because he picks up his wife’s phone at the first ring.

When Levi shows up, he says he doesn’t want things to stop, but Mackenzie felt it was obvious that once is an error and twice is an affair. They spend the night apart, both of them wanting to touch the other but neither of them can bring themselves to do so.


Mackenzie does show up to the hotel the following morning, but it’s just to say goodbye.

As everything is going on, Roo and John compete against the anonymous donor to the Surf Club because Alf is out of town. John believes they must spend the money now or there won’t be a club, but Roo is determined to wait until they find out what this individual wants.

In an attempt to mediate a settlement between the two, Irene proposes that they leave it up to the committee, and much to Roo’s dismay, John wins every vote. John is overjoyed that their issues are over and the money may be unfrozen. However, Roo doubles down when she hears John doubting her abilities and vows that she will investigate this donation and show him wrong.

In another scene, Rose has been promoted to “Senior Constable Delaney,” and although Xander and Mali are happy about it, she is a little anxious about her first day. Mali is encouraging, but she needs to go back to work since there is just too much to get done, even before they go to The Diner for their lunch date.


Mali feels let down as she cancels their evening plans in order to work late. He declines her offer of coffee the following day because he is too busy and goes for work before she wakes up. He apologises to her in a message that he leaves her later, but it’s obvious that Rose’s elevation is already straining their relationship.


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