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HomeSpoilersHome And AwayHome and Away Spoilers – Remi pushes himself too far after Bree breakup

Home and Away Spoilers – Remi pushes himself too far after Bree breakup



This week on Australia’s Home and Away, Remi overreaches himself following his split from Bree, while Eden verges on disclosing Levi’s infidelity.

Given that Remi (Adam Rowland) is still recovering from getting knocked off his bike, it’s debatable if he has turned into his own worst enemy in recent weeks.


Remi concealed his recovery difficulties from his lover Bree (Juliet Godwin) after undergoing extensive surgery because he understood that she had her own problems to attend to. Since Remi’s admission to Northern Districts Hospital, Bree had not left his side. Therefore, she was devastated to learn that her father had been involved in a workplace accident and was now dependent on life support when her mother called.

After Bree was persuaded to go and be with her father during what turned out to be his final days of life, Kirby (Angelina Thomson) eventually told Remi what was happening. Kirby assured Bree that everything would be alright.

Remi kept it a secret that he had been released, refusing to allow Kirby and Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) call her when he started throwing up on the bathroom floor and groaning in agony so as not to disturb Bree and shorten her visit home.

Fortunately, Eden could rely on her brother Levi, a cardiothoracic surgeon played by Tristan Gorey.


After Bree returned, Justin (James Stewart) and Kirby caught Remi off guard by fixing the bike, which put him in an embarrassing position. Remi was informed by Bree that she was adamant about his not going back on the bike because those things are death traps.


Remi, though still very delicate, was unfazed and got back on the bike and gave it a lot of gas. After catching him off guard, Bree issued a last warning: either she or the bike.

After everything had blown over, Remi requested Justin to store the bike for a while, hoping to use that time to cajole Bree into changing her mind. At first, he informed Bree that he had returned the bike to its owner, Mercedes (Amali Golden). However, he told Bree the truth and said he wouldn’t be selling the bike after Eden reminded him that lying wasn’t the best course of action.

Bree dissolved their relationship as a result, and Remi quickly got back on his bike and enjoyed a ride around the neighbourhood in an attempt to mask some of the emotional anguish he was experiencing at the same time.


“It’s a difficult time for Remi,” Adam Rowland said to TV Week. In the absence of his true love, he is unable to see any other options. He will also have to fight an uphill struggle to become better. There’s a lot of strain on him.

Remi had to contact Eden to drive him to the sessions this week because he has only recently begun his physical rehabilitation.


According to TV Week, Eden finds it challenging to observe Remi during the session because of his impatience and crude comments, which lead to some tension.

Remi became so frustrated with riding his bike that he overexerted himself and collapsed on the ground in excruciating pain, as if riding his bike wasn’t already taxing him enough. Even though it’s a challenging drive home, Remi continues to refuse when Eden proposes they return to the hospital.

Eden tries to reach her brother once more, but she is unsuccessful. Calling his wife Imogen (Georgia Blizzard) out of desperation, she is taken aback when Imogen says she mistakenly believed Levi was with her.


Both of them are unaware that Levi has been having an affair with Mackenzie (Emily Weir), his former patient, and that he has been telling Imogen that he has been spending time with his sister. This is surprising considering how careless they have been.

Eden is naturally curious about what her older brother has been up to these past few weeks, and Imogen is sure to have her own questions as well—are Mac and Levi going to be revealed?

Eden must first tend to Remi, who is obviously in need, but it will be difficult given his steadfast unwillingness to visit the hospital. Will Eden be able to communicate with a recalcitrant Remi?


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