Sunday, September 8, 2024

Home and Away Spoilers – John becomes Heather’s next victim

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Tane anticipates his future with Felicity while John faces Heather’s fury after speaking out about his suspicions about her.

Marilyn (Emily Symons), who learned her true identity the previous week, believed her relationship with Heather, her long-lost daughter, had improved (Sofia Nolan).

After learning that Heather had been playing tricks on Marilyn for a few weeks, Marilyn was accused by Heather of leaving her to grow up with a mother figure who detested the sight of her.

Maz was relieved when Heather seemed to change her mind and start to understand her side of the tale.


However, when Marilyn wanted to keep their relationship a secret for the time being, it became clear to the audience that Heather was only pretending and was actually still harbouring negative thoughts.

The following week, Heather discovers her new love Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) working as a lifeguard on the sand.

John (Shane Withington), who witnessed Nik sneak a short kiss with Heather, cautions Nik to focus on the task at hand.

John thanks Heather for choosing not to press charges the week before after Marilyn was detained for letting herself into Heather’s van. Nik then returns to work. Marilyn has problems, according to Heather, and it’s good that she has so many people to watch out for her.


Then, Heather is shocked to learn from John that he is actually Marilyn’s ex-husband because she had no idea Marilyn had been married.

John suddenly piques Heather’s interest in a big way.

Later, Heather confronts John about his relationship with Marilyn and how odd it is that they are still close. John now brings up the fact that they have a son together.

“Jett, yes?” Heather responds without hesitation.


John questions, “How do you know that?” in a perplexed tone.

Heather informs him that Marilyn once made reference to Jett after some quick thinking, but John finds her justification unconvincing.

That evening during supper, John confides in Irene (Lynne McGranger) his misgivings about Heather. He admits that the way Heather spoke Jett’s name bothered him, and he’s starting to wonder if it was Heather who wrote the offensive message to him from Marilyn’s account.

Irene believes that things doesn’t match up, but she thinks it would be best to avoid getting involved.


The following day, John rushes into the diner to tell Marilyn some wonderful news. For his contributions to the treatment of veterans, Jett has been nominated for an award.

Irene urges them to pass along her congratulations, and the two are overcome with delight. Heather congratulates them both after overhearing the chat.

Heather smiles, but it quickly disappears as she sees Marilyn go. John quickly clocks it in. He has her covered!

Later, Heather discovers John looking up her identity online. When she confronts him, she oddly offers to buy him a drink at Salt.

John nods in agreement and inquires about Heather’s interest with Marilyn out of curiosity or possibly as a result of a freebie.

Heather claims that Marilyn broke into her van, but John is certain that Maz wouldn’t have done so if she hadn’t had a strong cause to. He goes on to present his theory: Jett received the message from Heather because Marilyn is being harmed, and he wants to know why!


After Heather baulks at answering John’s inquiries, she storms out and immediately informs Marilyn that John has been picking on her. When she only wants to get to know her mother, she pulls out a sob story about how everyone has it in for her and threatens to leave town.

When Marilyn confronts him about Heather and advises him to back off, John is perplexed by her sudden change of heart, and he can’t resist but warn Nik that Heather might not be the girl he thinks she is.

Later on that day, Alf (Ray Meagher) runs with John outside of the surf club and immediately realises that John’s car’s tyres have been cut!

Who would do this? John, perplexed, inquires… but it doesn’t take him long to come up with an idea…


John has just created a new foe.

Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) is having a difficult week elsewhere in Summer Bay, but it’s about to get better when Tane ramps up the romance.

Flick isn’t in a good mood when she gets home from work and learns that Salt has now lost their usual Lyrik gig.

She complains to her brother Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) about it, who ignores her concerns until disclosing that he has been suspended from work because of a report that he used excessive force.


After learning about the suspect Cash knocked to the ground the previous week, Flick becomes immediately concerned. Before pressing her on whether it was Rose or Xander who leaked the information, Cash queries how she knows.

Cash is unwilling to discuss the matter further, but Flick is persistent in pressing for more information. He sarcastically thanks her for her support and departs, feeling that Flick doesn’t accept his version of events.

Later in the week, Tane notices the strain Flick is experiencing as she continues her hunt for a replacement band for Lyrik and counsels her to quit second-guessing herself. They form a fine team, Flick observes, comforted by his words.

After finding that Ziggy is expecting, Tane is already feeling reflective about his future with Flick. However, as he tries to speak with her, a phone call interrupts their conversation.


Tane requests that he and Flick have the house to themselves that evening since he wants some quality time with Flick.

When Tane later discovers Flick at home hunched over her laptop, he quickly helps her feel more at ease and offers to run her a warm bath.

Tane has prepared a special supper for the two of them when Flick later returns from the washroom.

Tane remarks on the fortunate situation they’re in and wonders Flick what it all means.


She acknowledges that she is unsure about their next course of action when she realises that he is asking. She only knows that they are all in this together.

What is Tane preparing next now that they have new hope for the future?

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