Saturday, September 7, 2024

Home and Away Spoilers – Ziggy and Remi spend the night together

To avoid upsetting her boyfriend Dean (Patrick O’Connor), Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) grudgingly agrees to assist Summer Bay newbie Remi Carter (Adam Rowland) in finding a new touring van.

Following Remi’s jokes with Ziggy at Lyrik’s debut performance at Salt a few weeks ago, Dean gently warned him that if he touched his girlfriend even slightly, he would be pulling his guitar from his backside.

Remi, who is always upbeat when it comes to women, hasn’t given up, even though his playful flirtation mainly serves to annoy Dean for his own enjoyment.

After lead singer Bob (Rob Mallett), who left Summer Bay in the band’s van, things have changed drastically for Remi’s band Lyrik in the interim.


While Remi and his bandmates Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) and Kirby (Angelina Thomson) were able to find Theo (Matt Evans) to fill in for Bob, the van situation is going to be more difficult—and pricey!

Ziggy agreed to help with the search when Remi asked her if she could, given that she was a local mechanic. However, Ziggy insisted that Remi stop making fun of Dean. Although Dean was undoubtedly unhappy that Ziggy was supporting Remi, she emphasised that by aiding the band, she was also aiding her disciple Theo.

She soon informed Dean that she would no longer be assisting Remi for very long because she had already discovered a van that was a great deal at only $10,000.

Ziggy, on the other hand, realised it was going to take longer than she had anticipated when Remi informed her that he was looking for something more in the $0-$3000 range. She then asked Mackenzie (Emily Weir) not to tell Dean when she discovered her continuing the hunt.


Ziggy goes to tell Remi that she has located another prospective vehicle as this week comes to a conclusion, but she first tells Dean that she has to attend to a garage customer. The only problem is that it’s two hours away.

Ziggy offers to drive him herself because she knows Remi won’t know what to look for. What could possible go wrong?

Next week, when the action picks back up, Ziggy and Remi finally make it to a dilapidated house where they meet the seller, Carl (Matt Hardie).

Carl wants the van off his hands because the house is for sale, and a cursory inspection appears to confirm that everything is in working shape.


Concerns about Ziggy’s absence are starting to surface back in the bay.

Theo needs Ziggy’s feedback for a TAFE assignment that is due later that day. When Dean informs Justin (James Stewart) that he had requested her to see to a customer—who customer?—before asking her about Ziggy’s whereabouts, Justin is perplexed.

Since Dean and Justin both know how dedicated Ziggy was to Theo’s apprenticeship, their concern grows when Dean’s calls to Ziggy go unanswered and Ziggy continues to tell lies.

Dean is not impressed when Mac is eventually forced to disclose to him that Ziggy is dating Remi.


After discovering a few issues during their test drive and coming to a $3000 price agreement, Ziggy and Remi began the lengthy trek back to Summer Bay.

When Ziggy eventually picks up the phone, Dean is relieved, but she quickly interrupts him when she notices smoke coming from the van’s exhaust. They were mis-sold a lemon; it’s obviously a burst head gasket!

Ziggy and Remi confront Carl when they return to the property, and as he leads them into the shed, he makes a restitution vow.

However, as soon as they walk in, Carl closes the door, trapping them inside, and drives off in Ziggy’s car.

Ziggy and Remi are trapped inside a shed in the middle of nowhere with nowhere to go and their phones still in the cars while Dean’s worry turns into paranoia.

Who will be able to find Ziggy and Remi?


In another part of Summer Bay, Roo (Georgie Parker) is devastated when Marilyn (Emily Symons) admits to lying to her.

Roo had put up a billboard in the diner promoting her private tutoring services, but she was shocked by the lack of interest. Marilyn noticed that Roo’s confidence was waning when a fresh, bolder poster failed to attract anyone’s attention.

Marilyn made the decision to take matters into her own hands and sneakily removed some numbers off the poster in the hopes that they would give Roo the push she needed.

While Roo was pleased to see more numbers progressively disappear, she was still perplexed as to why no one had called her. As a result, Marilyn continued to remove numbers until she was caught by Roo’s father Alf (Ray Meagher), who then called her out on it.


When Marilyn admitted what she had been doing, she realised she hadn’t really thought it through and accepted Alf’s recommendation that she be honest.

When Roo enters the diner the following week, Marilyn is tensely examining the poster.

Marilyn tries to win her over with coffee and a giant muffin, but her ranting about always wanting the best for Roo only confuses her.

The moment Marilyn begins to remove the poster numbers one by one from her pocket, Roo realises she must have been the one who stole them.


Marilyn explains, “I only took a few to make it seem like you were in demand. “And so I anticipated that many people would begin calling!”

Roo can do nothing except ponder what Marilyn just said.

Marilyn acknowledges, “The strategy was better in my imagination.

You believe? Dryly responding, Roo


Roo tells Marilyn that this is just humiliating while stating that she could handle rejection, and then she storms out of the diner.

Has Marilyn damaged Roo and her friendship?

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