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HomeSpoilersHome And Away12 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week

12 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week



As Home and Away approaches, Leah goes back to Summer Bay and finds it difficult to get back in touch with Justin.

In other scenes, Felicity mulls returning to the dating scene, Dana makes an unexpected discovery, and Bree becomes unduly protective of Remi.


Tane feels bad about kissing Harper.

Harper is determined that she won’t be Tane’s rebound fling and is still in shock at his attempt to kiss her.

Tane, meantime, fears that by going too far, he has destroyed their bond. After talking with Cash about the situation, he decides that space is what he and Harper need at the moment.

She accepts when he gives her the information for a new personal trainer.

  1. Harper and Tane declare a ceasefire

Harper realises she doesn’t want to lose her friendship with Tane after giving it some thought.


After a boot camp class, she approaches him, and they decide to try and move on by acting like the awkward situation never even happened. But will it really be that easy?

  1. Bree and Levi don’t get along.

Remi has awakened from his coma in the hospital, but he is in excruciating pain from the surgery.

Eden and Bree disagree with Levi’s choice to carry out the risky procedure, and Bree is certain that her partner ought to remain in the intensive care unit.


Levi doesn’t waver in his position, maintaining that if he hadn’t followed through, Remi would not have survived.

  1. Bree accelerates dramatically

Bree becomes more and more anxious and won’t leave Remi’s bedside for fear that he would get sick.


Kirby shows up at the hospital later, but Bree won’t let her see Remi. To Bree’s dismay, Kirby comes bearing chocolate and magazines after being persuaded by Justin to give it another go.

Remi wonders what Bree is up to after observing her domineering conduct.

  1. Leah will return home

Leah calls Marilyn to let her know that she’s going back to Summer Bay from the clinic, but she doesn’t want Justin to know.


Marilyn grants Leah’s friend’s request to stay at Alf’s house when she requests to come.

Alf, on the other hand, feels Justin and Theo should be aware of what’s going on and dislikes the excessive secrecy.

  1. Justin implores Leah to return home.

Alf tells Leah that Justin and Theo are aware that she is staying at his place when she returns.


Alf advises Leah to get in touch with Theo after she explains her thinking and acknowledges that she can’t forgive herself for stabbing Justin.

Theo reports back to Justin after their talk, which only makes him more determined to see her. When he gets at Alf’s, Leah grudgingly invites him in but emphasises that she’s still in a vulnerable place.

  1. Leah gradually begins to recover

Leah runs upstairs and won’t come downstairs, so Justin’s plea for her to come home backfires.

After being led outside by Alf, Justin confesses that he detests not knowing what the future contains and is taken to Salt.


Soon after, Leah meets Justin at the bar and says she wants to mend their relationship, but she needs to set her own terms, to which he consents.

  1. Mac and Levi give in to their emotions

As his stay in Summer Bay draws to a close, Levi calls a woman named Imogen and tells her he will return to the city shortly.

However, as the two eventually give in to their urges, it’s evident that Levi’s burgeoning affections for Mac are causing him stress.

As soon as Mali gets them in a tight spot, she furiously charges Levi with abusing his patient. Mac, however, lashes out at Mali, telling her to butt out of her love life and pointing out that she has been dismissed.

  1. Dana detects suspicious activity at the Surf Club

When the fourth secretary in a row gives their notice to Alf, the Surf Club is about to implode.

Dana quickly deduces what is happening when she sees Simon Henderson giving committee members large amounts of cash.

Dana travels to the police station with Roo’s help. Rose then calls Banjo, who affirms that his dad has been paying these people to step down.

  1. Rose converses with Simon

Rose chooses to confront Simon Henderson in spite of Alf and John’s warnings that it might not go well.


As expected, Simon ends his conversation to Rose, and to exacerbate the situation, he threatens to withhold his full sponsorship from Alf in the event that the police ring again.

Making herself club secretary is one way that Roo tries to address an issue, but she worries that it won’t be sufficient to sustain the Club.

  1. Felicity attempts to let go.

Enraged by Mali’s meddling in her romance with Levi, Mac relishes some time spent with Felicity and Eden as a girl.

Mac acknowledges that she worries that Levi won’t like her, and Felicity begins to think about dating again.


A later admirer at Salt gives her his number written on a napkin, but after one ring, Felicity freaks out and hangs up.

Flick tells Xander that it will be challenging to move on from Tane after realising she’s not as okay as she imagined.

  1. Cash’s prospects are uncertain

Cash shows up for his suspension review, but leaves just as ignorant as when he entered.

He finally gets a call from the station later that evening with an update, which includes both good and terrible news.


The good news is that he can return to his previous position, albeit with a reduced role and fewer responsibilities.

Cash tells his bosses to shove it after feeling insulted by the offer. Does his career as a police officer finish here?

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