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HomeSpoilersHome And Away10 Home and Away spoilers for next week

10 Home and Away spoilers for next week



Up next on Home and Away, Marilyn and Kirby defend themselves against a lawsuit filed by Stunning Organics.

In other scenes, Mali turns down Rose’s plea for a romantic reconciliation, while Justin learns something unsettling about Andrew’s background.


This is the whole set of 10 significant events.

  1. Kahu dismisses Mac

While Tane, who is worried, looks around the Bay for Kahu, his cousin is having a passionate afternoon with Mackenzie. Later, Mac requests that Kahu not discuss their experience with anyone, stating that it was an isolated incident.

As the rumours grow, Mac becomes irritated with Felicity and Mali because they want to know all the juicy facts.

Later, flirtatious Mac offers to Kahu that they get back together, but he rejects her attempts and says he’s been told not to play around with her because she’s in a vulnerable position.

  1. Mac is pursuing a conflict.

Unaware that Tane was the one to tell Kahu not to bother her, Mac accuses Mali in public of meddling in her life. The housemates’ harmony is quickly restored when she admits her mistake and extends her apology.


Tane and Felicity confess to Mac that they instructed Kahu to back off just because they were worried about her personal safety.

Felicity begs Mac to take a leave of absence from work so that she may adequately deal with Gabe’s loss.

  1. Kahu is presenting Cash with a business idea.

Kahu throws a barbeque later in the week in an attempt to show his gratitude to Tane and Felicity for their hospitality, but it quickly becomes apparent that he has other plans.


When Kahu corners Cash, he confesses that he is aware of his inheritance and inquires as to whether he would think about investing the funds in his trawler.

Unfortunately, Kahu’s bold proposal is met with disdain by the policeman. When Tane learns, he confronts Kahu for making the two of them look foolish.

  1. Rose approaches Mali

Rose seems uncomfortable around Mali, which makes Xander laugh, and he tells her to be open about how she feels. Rose, however, is convinced that she cannot because she fears being rejected by Mali.

Rose quickly gains the guts to approach Mali about taking a surf lesson thanks to some encouragement from Bree. Following their enjoyable time together on the sea, Rose tries to kiss Mali, but she retreats.

Rose, humiliated by her ex’s rejection, goes to Salt to drown her sorrows and needs Bree to bring her home. When a hungover Rose wakes up the next morning, she decides it’s time to move on from Mali.

  1. Kirby and Marilyn face danger

Marilyn is terrified of Stunning Organics’ legal threats, even though Kirby believes they’ve scared the unscrupulous firm away.

Marilyn is compelled to reveal to Kirby the product stash she has been keeping hidden at Irene’s and acknowledge her massive debt to the makeup behemoth as the threats continue.

Later, when Stunning Organics serves the women with legal documents, they are taken aback. But Kirby isn’t going to back down and devises a plan to enlist more people in their battle.

  1. Alf finds out about Marilyn’s deceit

Kirby and Marilyn start an internet forum in an attempt to locate additional Stunning Organics victims because they are facing an imminent lawsuit. Before long, one courageous person steps forward.

Marilyn, meanwhile, can no longer keep the truth from Alf once he finds out about her hidden supply of Gorgeous Organics goods.

The veteran of the Bay is shocked to learn how much Marilyn has been withholding from him, but he still promises to stand by his friend.

  1. Justin can no longer stand Andrew.

Since Andrew is still struggling to adjust to his new life in the Bay, Bree makes the decision to schedule a meeting with the social worker for him.


As Justin and Theo and Andrew are at the beach, Andrew makes progress when he enjoys making a splash in the water. However, the nervous boy becomes frightened and won’t leave the house when it’s time to see the social worker.

Leah worries that they won’t be able to handle taking care of Justin after he lashes out at Andrew out of frustration.

  1. Justin gets some unsettling news

When Cash states that a neighbour has come forward, there is a breakthrough in the investigation into Andrew’s identity. The woman, who maintains she has never seen Andrew before, admits there was an older male residing on the land.

When Cash recognises the resident as Archie Lawrence, he learns that he passed away three weeks prior.


It is then left to Justin to inform Andrew that his lone means of communication with the outside world has vanished.

  1. Andrew’s sinister past is disclosed

Desperate to help Andrew more, Leah goes to Roo for encouragement. They can’t locate Andrew’s school records since they don’t know his last name. Leah welcomes Roo’s offer to assist him with his writing and reading with gratitude.

In another scene, Andrew affirms that Archie Lawrence is his father when Justin and Cash show him the picture of Archie Lawrence.

The story takes a turn when Cash and Justin learn that Andrew’s father stole him when he was four years old and that no one has seen or heard from him since.

  1. Lyrik is facing a financial problem.

Remi and Eden are hard at work devising strategies to get the $12,000 Lyrik needs to record a studio album.

When Remi refuses to go there and says she understands why, Eden recommends that he ask his wealthy parents for the money, which in turn causes tensions to increase.

Motivated by Kahu’s audacious proposition, Cash provides the band with a saviour by contributing a portion of his inheritance to the CD. Remi is all for it, but Eden is adamant that she will not accept her boyfriend’s generosity.


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