Saturday, September 7, 2024

Neighbours spoiler: Chelsea starts to lose control

Paul declares the Lie-In to be a great success, and Krista is left feeling inspired by his affirmation. Chelsea attacks Krista’s further proposals, desperate to reclaim her position of authority.

This gives Krista the confidence to fire Chelsea and announce that she would now be collaborating directly with Paul. When Paul gives Krista flowers, Chelsea feels even more alone.

Leo later accepts Krista’s invitation to watch the ultrasound of her unborn child and is thrilled to witness Krista’s confidence grow. He then says a quick thank you to Paul for recognising her.

After their brief thaw, Paul realises that Krista is the key to Leo and gives her the chance to inform Lucy and the Lassiters International team about the Lie-In, completely sidelining Chelsea in the process.


Chelsea feels her grip loosening as Paul plans a kind gesture for Terese. Chelsea fears that Paul won’t let Terese leave after she brings up the fact that his lawyers advised reviewing his will to include provisions for an ex-wife. Paul brushes off her concerns.

Chelsea’s attitude becomes even more sour when Paul rejects her offer to brief the Lassiters International team in Krista’s place. Chelsea reads Paul’s will again and takes in his children’s names. Determined, she throws away her birth control pills and launches a seduction campaign.

In the meanwhile, after scaring Slade, JJ asks Felix for additional self-defense tips. Felix retreats as he realises that JJ is emotionally dependent on him, leaving JJ disappointed.

Later, when Felix tells Andrew that JJ was asking him for “street” techniques, the topic of Felix’s perception that he fits the stereotypical “bad guy” mould and Andrew is the good guy immediately comes up. They discuss their upbringing openly, and Andrew finds it difficult to comprehend how his brother was affected by his parents’ partiality.


Feeling sorry for himself, Andrew gives his all to support his brother without realising Felix is lining up customers for the building supplies he intends to pilfer.

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