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HomeSpoilersHome And AwayInside will of late Home & Away star Annalise Braakensiek after tragic...

Inside will of late Home & Away star Annalise Braakensiek after tragic death

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Annalise Braakensiek, a star of Home and Away and Top Model, tragically passed away in January 2018 after only divorcing her spouse of 16 years in April.

After her friends in Sydney had not heard from her in days, she was discovered dead in her flat.

Her passing came after a string of Instagram posts in which she described how her life had recently become “dark, challenging, demanding, and downright dangerous.”

Her death was deemed “non-suspicious” by the police, who think she overdosed on drugs.

When she was only 16 years old and was discovered by a photographer at Bondi Beach in the 1990s, Annalise Braakensiek initially became well-known.

She had appearances on Home and Away, Heartbreak High, and Fat Pizza in 2003 while playing the role of Claudia Macpherson.


She gave her friends and family certain gifts in her will.

We at Daily Star have made the decision to look a little bit deeper into the tragic star’s will.

For the ex-husband, nothing

When Annalise and Danny split up, she had her will modified.


At the time of their divorce, the couple had been wed for sixteen years.

After 16 years of marriage, Annalise posted on social media that it had ended.

We are still really in love with one another and will always be close friends.

They couldn’t have been that close, because Annalise didn’t leave Danny anything in her will.

a $600,000 apartment to a friend





Following her breakup with Danny, Annalise purchased a home on Victoria Street for $600,000 (£540,000).

It was the home where she unfortunately was discovered dead.

Her close friend Malcolm Day, an Australian businessman and mining surveyor, received the beautiful property after she passed away.

The executor of her estate has recently sold the spacious home for a stunning $635,000!


She left Crystals to her closest pals.

Four of Annalise’s closest friends received her astonishing collection of crystals.

After the lovely model passed away, her closest friends were heartbroken.

Ayesha Rose, a close friend, said they don’t believe Ms. Braakensiek died from despair but rather from a catastrophic accident brought on by the drug-using lifestyle in Bondi.

China left for her mother.

The china set that her grandmother gave her was bequeathed to her mother, Vera Stevens.

Vera previously discussed how she found it difficult to check her daughter’s social media during her party days.

“I never looked at her Instagram, I never looked at her Facebook, because it bothered me,” Vera Stevens said on Sunday Night.

It wasn’t accurate. She would post something similar to that on Instagram and then call me and say, “I can’t breathe.” I’m feeling really down.

She added that she had begun to drift away from her daughter.

The hardest thing in the world is when she doesn’t answer the phone or doesn’t send a message for a while after I call her every day.

She gave her closest family and friends the remainder of her estate.


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