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HomeSpoilersHome And AwayHome & Away's James Stewart reveals his "biggest challenge"

Home & Away’s James Stewart reveals his “biggest challenge”

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Almost every episode of Home & Away is known for dealing with major and serious issues. After all, what is the purpose of a soap?

One of the show’s main characters, James Stewart, who presently plays Justin Morgan on the hit series, is well aware of this.

On the episode last month, James’ character Justin was taking medication for chronic back pain when he got so hooked on the medications that he nearly died from an overdose.

On Monday, James, 45, said that portraying this weighty storyline was a privilege because it was one of the most important themes he’s ever depicted as an actor.

“To be honest, my first thought was that it was an honour to share the stories of those who had truly gone through it, and there was a lengthy list. Whether it’s prescription or over-the-counter medication, “The publication was informed by James.


He went on to say that portraying addiction on TV was the “biggest difficulty” he’d ever faced.

“Some of the world’s most accomplished individuals have struggled. It was both a challenge and a joy to be given this plot on Home and Away. I put a lot of effort into this one! “..

Sarah Roberts, a 36-year-old co-star, is James Stewart’s wife.

Sarah, who portrayed Willow on the show for about three and a half years, left the show last month.


Sarah explained that she has significant links to the show even though she has left it for good.

“The cast and crew have become like family to me. Because Jimmy is still on the show, I’ll always be tied to them.” Sarah revealed the information to the paper. “‘Do you want to remove anything from the set?’ someone asked. I’ve got my husband!”

Sarah and James first met during the show’s chemistry test. The couple’s on-screen characters even dated for a while, and the 36-year-old was a big fan of the storey.

“On the programme, Willow and Jimmy’s character, Justin Morgan, were pretty hot together – maybe it’s because we were secretly attracted to each other, or maybe it’s because I’m biassed.”


The actress went on to talk about her remarkable audition, which she had with her now-husband James.

“I got to do some fun stuff with Willow because he was a fireball, like straddle Jimmy when he was tied up and smack him in the audition.” Sarah remarked.


The 45-year-old recalled the day warmly as well.

“Sarah was waiting outside the door for the audition when she burst in with a standard “give me my money back” routine, smacked me, and stormed away,” he explained. “I was completely and utterly swept off my feet.”


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