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HomeSpoilersHome And AwayHome and Away's Tane faces sinister threats in 17 spoiler pictures

Home and Away’s Tane faces sinister threats in 17 spoiler pictures



Lyrik are at a crossroads

The timing couldn’t be worse

Felicity wants Lyrik to start playing regular gigs at Salt, but with no lead singer, this won’t be possible.

Eden and Kirby discuss the future

They decide to hold auditions for a new lead singer.

Kirby asks Felicity for a favour

The band wants to hold the auditions at Salt.


Felicity agrees to help

It’s certainly in Salt’s best interests if the band can find a new member.

Theo makes a big decision

Even though he’s busy with his studies, he wants to try out for the band.

Theo has to fight for a chance

After Theo turns up late for the auditions, the band tell him to leave. Theo refuses to give up so easily, grabbing Remi’s guitar and taking to the mic.

Theo’s singing impresses everyone

He has a raw talent.


Tane is worried

The gang are posing a threat to his family’s safety.


Felicity tells Tex that he’s not welcome at Salt

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