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Home and Away – who is newcomer Xander Delaney?

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Home and Away has a new regular character in the UK.

Xander Delaney made his first appearance on 5STAR first look on Wednesday (May 4), surprising Irene Roberts at her house.

Xander introduced himself as Jasmine Delaney’s brother. Irene was noticeably shaken when Jasmine mentioned siblings.

Here’s everything you need to know.

Who is Xander Delaney?

Xander isn’t another Summer Bay con artist — he is Jasmine’s brother.

Xander, Jasmine’s younger half-sibling, has recently moved to town after the death of his father, also named Alexander. Jasmine’s lover Cash Newman recently informed her of her estranged father’s death.


When Jasmine was six years old, her father missed to pick her up from school. He vanished.

Jasmine was raised by foster parents after her mother perished in a car accident.

Xander has never known Jasmine because their father never mentioned her after starting a new family. Xander only recently learned of Jasmine’s existence.

Xander has arrived in town with his other half-sister Rose, played by Kirsty Marillier. Xander and Rose share a mother.


To honour their father’s wishes, Xander and Rose have come to discuss the will.

They remain longer than intended because Jasmine refuses to receive money from a man who refused to see her. This causes a rift about whether Jasmine should accept the money.

Cash checks out Xander and Rose’s narrative and determines they are not con artists, as Jasmine worries.

What’s ahead for Xander on Home and Away?

Despite his initial scepticism, Xander develops a bond with Jasmine over his first few weeks on screen.

Xander and Jasmine get along well despite the fact that her father abandoned her and began another family. Xander is a paramedic, and both have medical credentials.


To discuss the will with Jasmine, Rose is eager to depart Summer Bay.

Cash ends up mediating the situation, asking Rose not to abandon Jasmine as her father did.

Cash also tries to persuade Jasmine not to abandon her siblings, as this could be her chance to have a family.


The Summer Bay arrivals will eventually be seen without Jasmine, after Sam Frost left the role at the conclusion of last year.

Because the drama tends to record sequences six months in advance, Sam has stayed on screen since December.

Who is Xander in H&A?

Xander is played by Luke Van Os, who is a fan of Home and Away.

Luke is the Hemsworth brothers’ younger cousin, so he had the right person to ask for assistance when auditioning for Summer Bay.


Kim Hyde on Home and Away before his Hollywood stardom.

“I actually zoomed with Chris the night before and we ran [the scenario] and kind of just got into a good headspace,” Luke told The Daily Telegraph.

“His advise was to be pleasant and work hard, and now is the time to work hard.”


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