Everyone is tense, so it’s anyone’s guess who would ruin Tori and Budget McDeramy’s big day.
Christian, or Budget McDreamy, is still having a mid-life crisis after nearly dying, Alf is juggling three jobs, Tori is fighting the urge to become Bridezilla, and Justin has lost his mind.
But first and foremost, Georgie Parker’s pronunciation of “appreciate” with an emphasis on the “c” is something I absolutely cannot overlook. Since she’s basically Australian royalty, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and say she’s such a pro that her scenes are only shot once.

Back to Justin, who still has time to sabotage his sister’s wedding, unless Budget McDreamy sabotage his own first.
Justin is back to his old tricks, googling medical centres, writing them down on a sheet of paper, and stuffing it into his pocket, as if he couldn’t recall the names of the nearby towns Reefton Lakes and Yabbie Creek.
And he calls everybody and makes every excuse imaginable: my medicine got lost in the wash, my dog ate it, and so on.
He curses at Ziggy a few times, orders her to mind her own business, and then screams and smashes his mug at peak Justin.

Justin says, I’m stressed.
Naturally, he blames Leah’s obsession with locating Susie, which resulted in a crowd-funding campaign to employ a private investigator, as well as the fact that “he’s got all the wedding things on top of that.
But we all know that’s a lie because Tori will never leave anything to her obnoxious brother.
Anyway, to keep Ziggy quiet, Justin gives her $50… for dinner – as if that would cover anything than a pizza.
Do you think we won’t be able to mention today, Justin asks?
Since one meltdown isn’t enough for this programme, Dean, who isn’t even in tonight’s episode, must become entwined in the plot.
No one has been able to locate him. It reminds me of a children’s novel.
He’s not at the beach right now.
He hasn’t shown up at the surf party.
He’s obviously at Movie World with Jai and Amber.
Thankfully, Dean’s whereabouts are mostly forgotten, though Dean remains a source of friction between Tane and Ziggy for everyone on team Ziggy and Dean.
Jasmine gets a promotion as this is going on.

She introduces you to the new nursing manager at the Northern Districts ICU.
Jasmine tells Tori and Budget McDreamy (BM) the exciting news minutes after receiving the call, but they already know because it’s Summer Bay.
Jas and Tori get into the most meaningless battle because Tori is angry that Jas didn’t mention she was applying.
But BM is there to diffuse – if that’s the right word – the situation by shouting at them to “get over it” because “life’s too short for this stuff.
Justin rushes into the kitchen, acting as if he really wants to use the restroom, but he’s just looking for his stash of pills to get him through an evening of Susie investigation with Leah and John.
It’s been a few hours since Justin’s outburst, and Ziggy has determined that $50 won’t be enough to silence the witness, so she confides in Leah about her worries about Justin.
Leah challenges her irrational boyfriend, but all she gets is the blame.
Justin says, You’re driving me insane with this Susie crusade.
Even though BM should be gathering up his wedding suit as he sits down for a drink, BM speaks to Justin about pain control.

But yelling BM a drink or dropping the word “friend” in the middle of a sentence doesn’t get Justin what he wants: more drugs.
Then there’s Mac. She must have recovered from her binge, but she’ll be back on it quickly because Ryder and Chloe have set up their food truck near Salt, and there’s a good-looking stranger to go home with at the bar.

Ryder, Chloe, Mac, Roo, and Alf yell some more before Ryder backs down and says they’ll switch the fan.
Mac won’t let Ryder and Chloe set up outside, and it’s not just because John tells them they’ve called their taco truck cockroach in Spanish.

Nobody thinks of the fact that the truck has wheels and could be parked anywhere.
They’re soon set up in the caravan park, and we’re assured the food is actually very tasty.
When you own the house, there can’t be much of a conflict of interest, Alf says.