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Home and Away spoilers: Matt Evans teases aftermath and surprise outcome of Theo’s exam drama

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In Home and Away, Theo Poulos’ (Matt Evans) future is uncertain when Justin Morgan (James Stewart) accused him of plagiarism and reported him to his TAFE tutor.

As viewers are aware, Justin had already written the assignment on Theo’s behalf. However, Theo didn’t want to submit this version, so he penned his own instead, of which he was finally quite proud.

His own work was obviously excellent because he later obtained a distinction.

Actor Matt Evans told Metro.co.uk that “[at this moment] He is over the moon.” He is quite excited because that is the first time he has acquired that kind of mark on his own. He’s always been a little blasé about stuff, but I think he’s pretty proud of himself right now.

Theo’s joy, however, was short-lived when, on Tuesday’s (August 2) episode of the Channel 5 soap opera, he received a call from his tutor informing him that he had been reported for plagiarism, a development that Matt tells us makes his character feel “betrayed.”

The star observed that “he’s kind of like: what’s going on?” “Theo’s just doesn’t know what’s going on,” Justin said, “since he was the one who proposed that he would do the assignment for him because it would make things simpler, and then he goes and dobs on him.”


The consequences of this will be addressed during Wednesday’s (August 3) visit to the Bay as Theo makes an effort to persuade his tutor that the version he supplied was different from Justin’s.

Theo gives the tutor Justin’s homework first, to illustrate that they were completely different, then his task to recover the file that he accidentally deleted from Justin’s copy on his computer, Matt said. However, they claim it is insufficient and that he must also take an exam.

Yes, an exam is Theo’s sole opportunity to show himself, as the soap actor remarked. But like everyone else, the young man finds it difficult to imagine taking an exam.

In all honesty, we can identify to Matt’s claim that “information just leaves his head.”


Despite his worries, Theo decides to take the test, and, in classic Theo manner, he aces it!

Regarding the story twist, Matt remarked, “He feels really relieved.” It was simply one more obstacle for him to clear, and now that he’s done it, not just with assignments but also with a real exam, he knows he can handle anything.

He is over the moon and ecstatic about it since it makes him feel much more worthy. We’re all proud of him; he should be very proud of himself.

Also proud are we!

As a professional, Matt remained mum on the specifics of what viewers may anticipate, but he did let us know that’music’ will play a significant role in Theo’s life.


In addition, he has a favourite plot thread that we haven’t even seen yet.

Think of us as curious. Consider us to be highly curious.

Home and Away premiere episodes air at 6:30 p.m. on 5Star and at 1:15 p.m. on Channel 5 on weekdays.


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