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Home and Away reveals shock accident for pregnant Ziggy in 30 spoiler pictures



Your complete gallery of images showcasing what will be on UK television in the week beginning January 30.

January 30th, Cash has a thought.
He intends to make Felicity’s wedding automobile out of his late father’s old truck.


Monday, January 30: Cash convinces Justin.
Justin assists with the garage’s repairs.

Monday, January 30: There will be significant repairs.
Although the car is in horrible shape, Cash and Justin are sure they can fix it.

Monday, January 30: Cash discovers something
A necklace that belonged to his late mother is found by him.

Monday, January 30: Cash is having a sad day.
He thinks back on his mother’s passing.


On February 1st, Theo places a frantic call.
He asks Ziggy if she will fill in for him so that he can concentrate on an assignment that is due soon.


Theo feels silly on February 1st, a Wednesday.
He misunderstood the assignment’s due date and will now need to work all night to finish it.

On February 1st, Theo is visited by someone.
For morale support, Kirby stops by to visit him in the garage and brings him some snacks.

1st of February, Wednesday: Theo snaps at Kirby
He chews off her head after feeling the strain.


On February 1st, Kirby is not pleased.
She is shocked that Theo would treat her in this manner when she is merely attempting to assist him.

February 2nd, Thursday: Kirby leaves in his car
She cautions Theo not to vent his frustrations on her.


Tuesday, January 31: Theo is sorry for his actions.
Ziggy hears the last of the conversation.

Thursday, February 2: Theo discusses his stress with Ziggy.
He describes how he messed up the assignment.

On February 2nd, Ziggy volunteers to assist.
She’s willing to help Theo finish the task even if he has to work all night.


Theo and Kirby continue to argue at the Diner on Thursday, February 2.
Their conflicts have not yet subsided.

Theo and Kirby’s argument on February 2 attracts notice.
Leah is interested.

Leah tries to figure out what’s going on on Thursday, February 2. Justin and Leah persuade Theo to make apologies with Kirby.


On February 3rd, Ziggy feels the baby move.
This comes after recent conversations between Dean and Ziggy about prospective baby names.

Dean is horrified on February 3rd, a Friday.
At Salt, he witnesses Ziggy tumble down the stairs.

On February 3rd, Dean hurries to the ground.
He anticipates the worse.

Dean checks on Ziggy on Friday, February 3 to see how he is doing.
She suffered a terrible fall.


Dean is concerned about both Ziggy and the infant on Friday, February 3.
It’s a worrying moment.

On February 3, Ziggy must visit the hospital for a checkup.
What will happen in the end?

On February 3rd, Justin chooses to challenge John.
John is assembling a squad since Summer Bay is organising a golf competition. Justin resolves to put together a competing organisation after observing John’s competitive nature.

On February 3, Friday, Rose is concerned about Xander.
She can sense that he finds it difficult to be with Stacey in a non-monogamous relationship.


Friday, February 3: Nikau becomes involved in Xander’s predicament.
He’s been asked out by Stacey.

On February 3rd, Xander feels uneasy.
Nikau’s involvement feels too close to home, despite his assurance that he will respect Stacey’s wish to date other men.

Xander is comforted by Nikau on Friday, February 3.
He assures Xander that he has declined Stacey already.

Friday, February 3: Xander becomes aware that he’s not handling the issue properly.
It’s more difficult than he anticipated for him to respect Stacey’s dating philosophy.


Friday, February 3: Stacey is put on the position when Xander inquires about the possibility of their relationship becoming into an exclusive one. What action will Stacey take?

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