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HomeSpoilersHome And Away12 upcoming huge Home and Away spoilers for next week

12 upcoming huge Home and Away spoilers for next week

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After being given modelling jobs, Nikau starts on a new path next week on Home and Away.

In other news, Mac’s downward spiral continues, and Christian surprises Tori with a shocking discovery.

Here’s a complete list of the 12 major events coming up.

1. Nikau makes a big decision

Sienna Blake, a modelling agent interested in signing Nikau, has agreed to meet with him. He intends to tell her that, while he is flattered by the offer, he will not accept it.


When Sienna offers a bonus, Nikau’s determination to turn down his new job chance is put to the test. Bella will be given an internship with a professional photographer if Nikau joins the business, she explains.

When Bella looks up the photographer in question, she discovers that he has a stellar reputation. Nikau soon concludes that this is too fantastic a chance for either of them to pass up.

2. Nikau’s new direction starts badly


Nikau travels to the city for his first job with a modelling agency, where he will be photographed for a portfolio. Bella chooses to accompany him on his journey to express her support.

While Sienna is bringing Nikau up to speed, Bella takes a look around the agency. She comes upon a photographer, Emmett Ellison, who is photographing a model named Allegra, and she can’t help but look. Emmett is annoyed by the interruption at first, but when he realises that Bella is the person he’ll be mentoring, he warms up to her.

Nikau agrees to pose for Emmett’s portfolio photographs later. Nikau is plainly uncomfortable in front of the camera, and when it gets too much for him, he walks out.

3. Bella saves the day for Nikau


Nikau considers quitting the modelling career unless Bella gives him some assurance. When Nikau returns to the set, Emmett switches gears and encourages Bella to direct her boyfriend. Finally, Nikau begins to unwind, and Emmett receives the shots he requires.

Nikau enjoys more rewards of the work once he returns home, as the agency sends him a basket of delicacies as a gift, which includes a chilled bottle of costly champagne.

4. Christian and Tori make a big decision


Christian and Tori are still trying to get over the Lewis experience. Tori finally makes peace with her buddy when Christian convinces her not to blame Jasmine for bringing Lewis into their lives.

Tori is also concerned about what would have occurred if she hadn’t seen Christian and intervened after Lewis administered the death injection. Tori is plainly traumatised and has a nightmare about what happened, despite Christian’s assurances that it isn’t worth worrying about.

Christian wants them both to move on, so he offers to Tori that they move their wedding forward and tie the knot as soon as possible.


5. Christian’s revelation surprises Tori

Christian spreads the wedding news throughout the Bay, despite Tori’s advice to keep it quiet. He also begins to recall important information about what occurred when Lewis attempted to murder him.

Christian tells Tori that he recalls the dramatic moment when she performed CPR on him to save his life. Tori believes that because he was technically deceased, this is medically impossible.

Tori is adamant about it, but Christian is willing to consider a spiritual explanation for his out-of-body experience. It’s yet another indicator that Christian’s entire attitude on life is shifting in the aftermath of Lewis’s assassination attempt.

6. Jasmine fears the worst

After Lewis’ imprisonment and his distressing revelations, Jasmine is dealing with her own problems. She goes to Lewis’ sentencing hearing, but is upset when he doesn’t even glance at her once.

Christian’s confession that he remembers what happened when his heart stopped intrigues Jasmine as well. She interrogates Marilyn on life after death and agrees to let Marilyn do a tarot reading for her. When a terrible card is revealed first, Jasmine regrets her decision and flees away.

7. Ari reflects on his painful past

When Ari notices Tori and Christian are both busy, he offers to babysit Grace for a while. Irene and Marilyn both notice him babysitting and are pleased by his abilities. Ari adds that he learned these lessons while raising Nikau and Chloe as children.

Mia is reminded of the baby they lost and the other traumas they suffered when they first met when she sees Ari with Grace.

8. Ryder and Chloe are put under pressure

Ryder and Chloe continue to enjoy the pleasure of not having to work, but Roo warns them that if they run out of money, the novelty will wear off.

Ryder and Chloe spend a nice day at the beach together, ignoring this advise. When the day is done, they realise they need to make a plan for the future now that they are no longer employed at Salt.

Despite Ryder’s efforts to re-enter Mac’s good graces, she seems uninterested following his delay in making amends. Ryder and Chloe devise a new strategy: they’ll construct a list of what they’re strong at and go from there.

9. Mac makes a move on Tane

Mac arrives at the Parata mansion inebriated and demands to see Ari. Tane intervenes by driving Mac back to the farmhouse, explaining that Ari isn’t at home.

When Mac gets home, she starts flirting with Tane and pushes in to kiss him. Tane recoils in surprise and backs away, reminding Mac that he’s dating Ziggy, who is meant to be her friend.

10. Tane’s revelation angers Ziggy

Tane sees Ziggy on the beach the morning after Mac’s big mistake and tells her about how Mac treated him the night before.

Ziggy is enraged and returns to the farmhouse, telling Mac to collect her belongings and leave.

11. Amber threatens to leave

When Amber gets home and discovers Ziggy and Dean having a cosy talk on the sofa, she is irritated. Ziggy simply came by to hand off a framed newspaper piece about their surf competition success, but Amber is still concerned about their relationship.

Amber dares Dean the next day to tell her that he isn’t still in love with Ziggy. When Dean is unable to do so, Amber says that she can no longer waste time with him and that it is time for her to move on.

12. Leah gets a new lead on Susie

When Amber gets home and discovers Ziggy and Dean having a cosy talk on the sofa, she is irritated. Ziggy simply came by to hand off a framed newspaper piece about their surf competition success, but Amber is still concerned about their relationship.

Amber dares Dean the next day to tell her that he isn’t still in love with Ziggy. When Dean is unable to do so, Amber says that she can no longer waste time with him and that it is time for her to move on.

12. Leah gets a new lead on Susie

Leah tries to persuade John to join her in her hunt for Susie by sharing the evidence she has gathered thus far. When she hears about a probable sighting of Susie in a nearby town, she thinks she’s made a breakthrough.

Justin tries to persuade Leah not to go to random places based on unsubstantiated information found on the internet. Leah storms out after the couple fights about the situation.


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