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HomeSpoilersHome And Away11 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week

11 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week



As unstable Cash disappears, there’s worry in the Bay on the upcoming episode of Home and Away.

In other scenes, Kirby muses on leaving Lyrik to go it alone, Rose’s visit with Mali’s mother doesn’t go as planned, and obstinate Alf finds it difficult to believe he might be losing his hearing.


This is the whole set of 11 significant events.

  1. Vicky and Rose had a disastrous first meeting

Mali can’t wait to introduce Rose to Vicky, his mother. However, tension arises as soon as the two women eventually meet.

In an attempt to diffuse the tension, Elandra notes that although Vicky is happy to meet Rose, she is still irritated with Mali for keeping their relationship a secret from her.

Vicky becomes friendly with her son’s girlfriend right away, but things change when Rose says she’s a police officer. Appalled, Vicky walks out, telling Mali that his father would be embarrassed of him for dating a policeman.

  1. Vicky extends an olive branch to Rose.

Elandra confides in Rose that her family doesn’t trust the police because she and Mali have a brother who has been unfairly targeted by them.


Subsequently, Vicky confides in Mali that she is still angry that Rose wasn’t honest with her and that she would be happier if Rose had a different career.

However, Vicky softens and extends an olive branch to Rose when Mali confesses his love for her. Would she agree to it?

  1. The state of cash is getting worse.

In the wake of Felicity’s blackmail ordeal, Cash is having emotional difficulties and won’t talk to Eden about it.


Eden is shocked to wake up to see her boyfriend’s police uniform and an empty house—she was already worried about Cash’s safety.

When she runs into him on the beach, Cash confesses that he is upset that Felicity hasn’t approached him for assistance. After Eden consoles Cash, the two decide to spend a few days away from the Bay.

  1. Cash worries Felicity

When Eden and Cash go back from their vacation later in the week, she worries that his mental health hasn’t improved.

Felicity and Tane, meanwhile, appear to be progressing and returning to their regular selves.

However, just as Felicity is beginning to move on from her past, an unstable Cash surprises her with a scheme to keep her from being attacked once more. Felicity, who is rather alarmed by her brother’s actions, asks Eden what’s going on.

  1. Cash and Felicity proceed

Cash’s concerned family members look for him as he disappears once more. When Bree discovers Cash in a distressed state, she consoles her friend and tells him to seek assistance.

Afterwards, Cash apologises to Tane and Felicity for his reckless behaviour and says he will take care of himself before attempting to solve the problems of others.

Felicity is relieved to have her sibling talk things out. She is even more encouraged to learn that Jeremy has entered a guilty plea, which eliminates the need for her to appear in court, from the DPP.

  1. John confides with Marilyn about his worries.

Marilyn is informed of John’s concerns, as he continues to believe that Alf’s hearing is failing.

When she tests Alf on her own, she finds he’s alright, but John notes that those who are deaf often read facial expressions instead.

As it happens, when Marilyn hides her face from Alf during their conversation, he doesn’t react. After John’s theory is validated, Marilyn determines it’s time to face Alf.

  1. Alf disappears

Marilyn tries to get Alf to deal with his hearing issues, but he doesn’t appreciate her meddling.


When Alf disappears the following morning and no one can find him, there is a panic. Marilyn accuses herself of being the reason he fled to the city alone.

After devising a scheme to entice Alf to return to the Bay, Irene finds out that he has moved to the city to live with Roo. Although Marilyn is relieved, she continues to worry about being ignored.

  1. Theo and Kirby break up

After being humiliated by a journalist during Lyrik’s album launch, Theo is still moping.

The young man is even more embarrassed when he finds out he has become a meme, and his humiliation is exacerbated by Justin’s amusement at it.


Justin discloses that he was successful in getting Lyrik a spot on Drive Time with Felix J. Theo, however, charges his ex of purposefully hurting him so she may be the band’s spokesperson after learning that Kirby will be conducting the interview.

Kirby gets an offer that could change his life.

Following a terrific interview with Felix J, Kirby gets an enigmatic call. When she tells Mac that famous talent representative Forrest Duke has gotten in touch and wants to meet, everything becomes clear. There’s a catch, though: he only sees Kirby as a possible solo artist and has no interest in Lyrik.

When the two first meet, Forrest makes an offer: if Kirby accepts his contract, she will have to part ways with Lyrik.


Kirby is obviously drawn to the alluring offer, and she phones Forrest to enquire further after giving it some thought.

  1. Remi learns Kirby’s trade secret

With Lyrik’s record becoming more and more popular, Remi and Justin are ecstatic about the album’s success. Kirby, though, is nowhere to be found.

Justin then learns that Kirby is about to sign a solo contract with Forrest Duke after getting a tip from Irene.

He calls an urgent conference with Remi and delivers the shocking news that Lyrik may be about to lose its most valuable asset.

  1. Alf at last provides assistance

When Justin inquires about his hearing, he becomes the second local to cross Alf in a heated manner. John is finally able to get Alf to admit he has a problem because he won’t give up.

When Alf says he wants to quit the surf club, Justin advises him to see a doctor before throwing everything away.

Taking Justin’s advice to heart, Alf swallows his ego and approaches Bree for assistance.

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