David (Takaya Honda) is hiding a huge secret from the rest of the world. In Neighbours, his life as he knows it could be about to come crashing down.
When Gareth flew through the van window, David experienced a moment of weakness and let him to perish in front of him. He sensed an opportunity for vengeance and took it despite Freya’s pressure (Phoebe Roberts). David disregarded his gut impulses and withdrew medical assistance, allowing Gareth to die a horrible death.
David now has regrets, much like someone who opens Tik Tok for a fast scroll and loses an hour of their life.
The cops are getting closer to the truth, and he’s in serious jeopardy. He has another coroner’s interview scheduled, and the weight of his crime hangs heavily over him. Now he’s faced with a decision: should he preserve his secret or should he clear his conscience? He’s being eaten alive by the truth, and he’s on the verge of spilling the beans.
If David refuses to confess, the truth may be discovered by a different means – supersleuth Kyle (Chris Milligan). He has no faith in Freya and suspects she has gotten David wrapped up in something. He has no idea how short on cash he is. With one fast discussion with Aaron, he has the evidence he thinks he needs – but will he be able to figure out the truth?

Kyle David isn’t the only one who has to be concerned. When Gareth’s ex-girlfriend arrives, she senses something is wrong. Gareth could have been spared, she believes, and Freya and David are to blame for his death. Is it possible that her hints will push David over the edge?
He’s on the edge of breaking because of the stress. As Aaron expresses worry for David, he can no longer keep the deception a secret and spills everything. Will Aaron be able to keep his dark secret hidden?
Scenes will begin airing on Channel 5 on Monday, March 21.