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HomeSpoilersNeighbors'Neighbours' spoilers: Glen Donnelly reveals the truth about Kiri…

‘Neighbours’ spoilers: Glen Donnelly reveals the truth about Kiri…

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On Neighbours, Glen Donnelly (Richard Huggett) has been very distracted recently.

Glen didn’t seem himself after winning the River Bend vacation.

In fact, he appeared to be particularly distracted with Kiri Durant, the holiday resort’s hostess (Gemma Bird Matheson).

Glen’s thoughts are still on Kiri now that he’s back home on Ramsay Street.

He finally makes a shocking disclosure to Terese Willis (Rebekah Elmaloglou), his housemate, regarding his connection to Kiri…

Terese is taken aback by Glen’s shocking revelation.


What is he going to do now?

Glen resolves to conceal the secret from Kiri for the time being, fearing that the truth will only cause her grief.

As his shameful secret comes back to haunt him, David Tanaka (Takaya Honda) is left reeling.

David confronts Dean Covey (Travis Cotton), a medical colleague, about David’s husband, Aaron Brennan (Matt Wilson), discovering the truth.


Before that disastrous journey to River Bend, David and Aaron’s marriage was already on poor footing.

Is Aaron’s latest finding making things between the fellas even worse?

Dean maintains he was merely attempting to assist.

However, David is enraged by the destruction Dean has caused.

He comes to the conclusion that he has no choice but to report Dean for inappropriate workplace behaviour…


Freya Wozniak (Phoebe Roberts) hoped that her nightmare was over now that her problematic ex-boyfriend, Gareth Bateman, was no longer alive.

The hospital nurse, on the other hand, is in for a rude awakening when she learns that the coroner’s inquiry into Gareth’s death at River Bend is still ongoing…

Medical officials must question Freya and doctor David again about the events that led to Gareth’s death.


David’s guilt about what transpired is well known to Freya.

He holds himself responsible for not doing more to save Gareth’s life.

Will David crumble under strain when asked about Gareth again… and expose the truth about what happened in the bush?


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