On this week’s Home and Away in Australia, Willow (Sarah Roberts) is doing the unimaginable and testifying in court, as she’s exposed as a witness set to bring Colby down. How is Summer Bay going to recover from this when Colby’s sentence is read out?
Last week’s triple bill of episodes saw the show pull out one of the greatest surprises in years. In the final moments of Thursday’s show, Willow Harris was revealed to be the enigmatic Witness X, and Angelo’s secret to cracking Ross Nixon’s murder case.
She, Colby, Dean and Bella had spent the final evening together, recognising that it might be the last time they had hung out. As Colby walked to the veranda for a few minutes of fresh air, Willow joined him. It was there that he admitted to her how badly he had messed up, and how he had signed his own arrest warrant from the moment he killed Ross.
Of course, it’s too late for regret now with his growing feelings for Taylor, the only thing that made him realise what an idiot he was.
Willow was carrying a recording system around her waist, unbeknownst to him which she handed over to Detective Rosetta only minutes later. “Your dumb confession is here! She uttered as she handed the belt over on the brink of tears, knowing that the act would rip the lives of her friends apart.
“Speaking to TV Week about what inspired Willow to help the detective, Sarah Roberts said it took a while to get my head around, but I could explain it in the sense that she’s going to do something for her family, and I’m the same in my own life.
We do not yet know why Willow wanted to help Angelo, but since the episodes aired on Thursday, the internet has been filled with theories. By kin, does she refer to her real-life family, or the family of Summer Bay?
The most reasonable thing is that she wants to help Dean rebuild his life—they grew up together, have been best friends again for years, and have seen first-hand the negative effect Colby had on his life. The Ross discovery ended his relationship with Ziggy. Thanks to his relationship with Colby, he’s just lost access to his kid, and he feels like he has nothing left.
It would be a very dangerous move, however, given that Dean was there at the time of Ross’s death, and has been keeping the secret ever since. The role he played would have land him in prison, unless Willow made a deal with Angelo. Is she purchased freedom from her best friend in exchange for a confession?
Or does it have anything to do with her father, perhaps? Since before Willow arrived in Summer Bay in 2017, Russell has been in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s, with some fans speculating that assistance with the care of her father may be part of their contract.
When the witness list came back with the name of ‘Witness X’ blacked out, Colby’s luck ran out last week. He and Dean were hoping that they could get to the witness first and threaten them with silence, but Colby had to face reality when that strategy failed. His only hope was that Angelo was bluffing, that Witness X just doesn’t know a thing – but in fact, he’s begun to realise that he’s facing substantial jail time.
Colby’s trial will begin this week with Angelo now assured t
hat he’s got enough to bring Thorne away for a long time. As you can see in the dramatic new trailer above, up to the very second that Willow is called up, Colby, Dean and Bella really have no idea who the mystery witness is.
She has another fight on her hands in the hours before the trial, as she must persuade Dean to keep his mouth shut. Knowing that his best friend is about to go down, Dean confesses to her that he feels bad and that for his own part in Ross’s death, he should face the music.
“I’m expected to man up. Accept my part in what happened and face Colby with this.
” Don’t you dare,” she says to him. “We’ve spoken about it.”
Dean pleads, “He’s my best friend, Will.”
And you belong to me! Just promise me that you’re going to keep your mouth shut and do nothing dumb.
“She also has to deal with Bella’s unintentional guilt trip, when the teenager rhetorically asks her, “Does this witness even know anything about dad? Does this witness know anyone? Do they know they’re able to break apart a family? ”
It seems she understands the consequences of what she is about to do all too well.
As the doors open, the announcement rings out through the court: “Willow Harris, the prosecutor calls.”
Colby’s sinking bottom. He actually does have a witness, and one who knows the last detail of Ross’s death. Angelo wasn’t bluffing.
The prosecutor played a video of Colby confessing to the murder, leaving everyone stunned in the room.
Willow takes to the stand, and offers her version of events of that fateful day. She paints an image of Dean and Bella, who are innocent, throwing Colby under the bus and defending her parents.
It is going to be hard for Dean and Bella to come back from this. Colby might not have been Willow’s favourite person in the last few months, but she and Dean are best friends, and her friendship with Bella is just as good.
“TV Week, Sarah said, [Willow] is turning Colby in to rescue them. “She knew the family would be ripped apart so she made a decision…”
Even if she did it with the best of intentions, Dean is just not the kind of person to cooperate with the police, so how is he going to react to doing just that to his best friend?
As for Bella, who over the last few years has been battling trust problems and mental health issues, she’s just about to find out that someone she trusted absolutely is about to bring her brother behind bars.
How’s the gang going to come back from this?
The next day, Colby embraced his fate and took himself to the stand. Colby confesses everything not giving Dean any chance to involve himself, but says he did it all himself, totally wiping Dean’s part from the storey.
Bella breaks down as she watches her brother be lead away as he is sentenced to 25 years in jail. It’s over.