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Home and Away spoilers: Luke Van Os teases huge twists ahead for Xander Delaney: ‘We’re about to learn a lot more about him!’



In the current episode of Home and Away, Xander Delaney (Luke Van Os) is torn between protecting Millie (Zara Zoe) and acting in accordance with his moral convictions.

Viewers are aware that Millie is to blame for the same vehicle accident in which Logan Bennet (Harley Bonner) has been charged.


Knowing the truth, Xander has been tormented by guilt and unsure of what to do for the best given that if he admits Millie was involved, she might go to jail. However, if he doesn’t, Logan will.

In Friday’s (July 8) episode of the Australian soap opera, the paramedic finally made a choice when he entered the police station and informed sister Rose (Kirsty Leigh Marillier) that he knows something about the collision.

He then comes clean and admits Millie was texting while driving, telling Rose and Cash Newman (Nicholas Cartwright).

According to actor Luke Van Os, Xander must make a “really difficult choice.” He is unsure of whether he wants to do it even while in the police station.


When he finally has that talk, he is quite hesitant but yet stands up for Millie, defends her, and wants to make sure she is okay.


He is aware that doing so could result in an AVO being filed against him, but he has decided that it is worthwhile because otherwise Logan will face consequences for something that is not his fault.

As Luke pointed out, Millie utilises Xander’s AVO against him and even takes one out on herself because she is aware of its existence and uses it to her advantage.

Despite the situation appearing hopeless, Rose steps in to save Xander by speaking to Millie on his behalf and persuading her to make sense. As a result, Millie comes clean and acknowledges her involvement in the incident.


Luke explained the development by saying, “Xander realises Millie is not a nasty person, she’s simply terrified.” ‘ As a result, she realises that what she’s doing is wrong when Rose eventually speaks to her.

Not even in a romantic sense, Xander is a little bummed that this is it because he can no longer tell whether she is alright or not while previously he could just look at her and know she is. He just needs to let it go now that she’s gone.


“It’s sweet and sour,”

Since showing up in Summer Bay on May 5 and making his debut on UK television, Xander has been at the centre of a number of plotlines and seems to be staying put after settling in very well.

According to Luke, “He truly wants to know more about Jasmine, as anyone finding his new sister would be.” He’s adjusting nicely, I see. Although he’s still getting to know people because it’s a new place, I believe he truly enjoys the Bay!


What is coming up, then?

The soap star predicted that “I think we’re about to learn a lot more about Xander.” “People are going to learn about his extensive baggage and background in the upcoming months, and perhaps they’ll grow to love him even more!”

More than we already do, do you love Xander? Impossible.


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